- Nov 15 Tue 2011 23:34
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 23:33
美虐傭案例 外交豁免權成焦點
美國公民自由聯盟(American Civil LibertiesUnion)在2007年提出的一份報告,就舉出4件外交官涉嫌虐傭的案例,而這些案例都引起豁免權的爭議。
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:44
〈獨家〉危險!違規超車 孕婦閃避撞護欄
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
(法新社華盛頓7日電) 在1個很遠很遠的星系中,外星生命確實可能存在。但是今天美國白宮宣布,沒有證據顯示外星人曾嘗試與人類接觸。
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
The centennial anniversary of the Republic of China was held on the Double Tenth day today. President Ma expressed during his speech that Taiwan has shone splendidly in the world during the past six decades, especially the citizens’ various talents and their kind-hearted nature. He announced “The Republic of China is our country and Taiwan is our homeland” in Chinese, Taiwanese and Hakka respectively. Meanwhile, he also reminds the Mainland China to face the fact that the Republic of China does exist.
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
1. 不少輔導人員為推展友善校園默默努力,教育部昨天(12)頒獎表揚績優縣市、學校及學務輔導人員,其中,新竹市及基隆市獲得卓越縣市獎,還有9所卓越學校及36位傑出的學務輔導人員獲頒表揚。教育部長吳清基感謝所有獲獎者的努力,期盼友善校園在各界努力下持續落實。
To promote kind campus program, many counselors take effort for relevant promotion. The Ministry of Education held an awarding ceremony yesterday for praising the excellent counselors of cities, counties and schools. 新竹 City and Keelung City were awarded for Outstanding City Award, nine schools were awarded for Excellent School Award and thirty-six counselors of academic affairs were awarded for their excellent performances. Minister of MOE 吳清基 thanked for all the effort taken by the prizewinners and expected that the program could be kept working by the efforts from each field.
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
The registration deadline for the high-school-level self-study scholastic ability test this year will be at 5pm today. The exam will be held on Nov. 6. There are three subjects, including Chinese, English and the humanistic field. The multiple-choice questions, with one correct answer from four answer choices, will be the sole question type asked in the exam. There will be no score deductions while incorrect answers from the test-takers’ part occur. For more details, please check the website of Wufen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational High School, the school in charge of the related exam affairs.
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:43
總統馬英九(左)8日到新竹市竹蓮寺與民眾互動,指著護照道具上的國徽表示,給台灣免簽證待遇的國家大幅增加,中華民國護照從「車輪牌」變成「飛輪牌」。中央社記者黃彥瑜新竹市攝 100年11月8日
- Nov 15 Tue 2011 06:42
(中央社台北8日電)根據彭博社報導,傑富瑞集團(Jefferies Group Inc )自上週收市後,大砍葡萄牙、義大利、愛爾蘭、希臘和西班牙等國主權債券總部位近50%,顯示其出脫風險資產不難。