The centennial anniversary of the Republic of China was held on the Double Tenth day today. President Ma expressed during his speech that Taiwan has shone splendidly in the world during the past six decades, especially the citizens’ various talents and their kind-hearted nature. He announced “The Republic of China is our country and Taiwan is our homeland” in Chinese, Taiwanese and Hakka respectively. Meanwhile, he also reminds the Mainland China to face the fact that the Republic of China does exist.
30 male and female students from the Department of Health and Leisure Management, Lan Yang Institute of Technology, began their journey by riding 17 scooters yesterday morning. They went through Jiaosi, Yi Lan city, Wujie, Lotung, Dongshan and finally reached Su Ao county via highway No.9. Some of them covered their body by a massive national flag, while the others took small ones on their hand. The students said they used this unique way to express their patriotic spirit on the Double Tenth Day.
3. 台鐵永康站發售百年國慶「永保安康」紀念車票五萬張,引起瘋狂搶購熱潮,有人遠從台北南下,有人從7號上午就開始排隊。台鐵永康站長林文欽表示,硬式車票正面印有「中華民國百年國慶 永保安康」紀念車票,加上是民國100年10月10號的特殊數字,吸引大批民眾前來排隊。
Taiwan railways’ Yung Kang station was selling 50,000 centennial anniversary memorial train tickets, marked with the “safe and healthy forever” slogan. It caused a buying frenzy. Some people went to Tainan from Taipei, which is quite apart, and the others lined up for the ticket since the morning of Oct. 7. According to 林文欽, the manager of the Yung Kung station, on the hard copy of this ticket, Chinese characters the equivalent of “The Centennial Anniversary of the Republic of China; safe and healthy forever,” are printed at the front. In addition, the Oct. 10, 2011 are special figures, which attracted a massive amount of residents to line up and purchase the ticket.
4. 法國九所政治學院(Institut d’Etudes Politiques,亦常稱Science Po)入學考試報名人數逐年增加,估計2012年將有三萬五千名考生競爭三千五百個錄取名額。因為入學考試難度高,而且時間提早,在七月舉行,許多高中生不惜花費上百元到數千歐元的經費,在寒暑假或學年間參加入學考試準備研習營,以及各種遠距準備課程。
In France, the number of people applied for the nine colleges focusing on the political studies increases annually. These colleges are often referred to as the Science Po (French Institut d’ Etudes Politiques). It is estimated that in 2012, there will be 35,000 examinees competing for the 3,500 vacancies. Since the entrance exam is extremely challenging, and the timing of the exam is adjusted to as early as July, many senior high school students have spent hundreds or thousands of Euro dollars to join exam-preparing camp in the summer and/or winter vacations, during the semesters, and/or attend all kinds of distance-learning preparation courses (in order to win a seat to study in these colleges).
German experts say kids with the bad sleeping quality have higher probabilities of sleepwalking. The German Medical Association Department of Pediatrics indicates sleepwalking is congenital. Irregular sleeping patterns, insufficient sleep, pressure, noise, being interrupted while sleeping, and so on are factors that can easily trigger sleepwalking. Most of the children will not get up murmuring in the midnight after adolescence. But if the frequency of the child sleepwalking is too high, doctors’ assistance is essential.