
1. 不少輔導人員為推展友善校園默默努力,教育部昨天(12)頒獎表揚績優縣市、學校及學務輔導人員,其中,新竹市及基隆市獲得卓越縣市獎,還有9所卓越學校及36位傑出的學務輔導人員獲頒表揚。教育部長吳清基感謝所有獲獎者的努力,期盼友善校園在各界努力下持續落實。

To promote kind campus program, many counselors take effort for relevant promotion. The Ministry of Education held an awarding ceremony yesterday for praising the excellent counselors of cities, counties and schools. 新竹 City and Keelung City were awarded for Outstanding City Award, nine schools were awarded for Excellent School Award and thirty-six counselors of academic affairs were awarded for their excellent performances. Minister of MOE 吳清基 thanked for all the effort taken by the prizewinners and expected that the program could be kept working by the efforts from each field.

2. 看新聞能懂多少科學?國立臺灣師範大學科教中心主任張俊彥研究團隊,開發媒體中的科學素養量表,從教科書索引與新聞比對中,篩選出最常出現的95個科學名詞,並設計成50個試題,針對國一、高一及大學生進行測試,結果發現高一學生比大學生表現好,國一學生相對表現符合預期。

How much do you understand the contents of science knowledge from news? The research team led by the manager of National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center 張俊彥 opens up and develops the meter of science general capacity from mass media. It selects the most popular ninety-five science nouns from textbooks and news and designs a test with fifty testing questions for the students who are studying in the 1st grade of junior high schools, senior high schools and colleges. The result of test finds that the students of the first grade of senior high schools get better performance than the students of colleges. And the performance of the students who are studying in the first grade of junior high school fits in with public expectation.

3. 臺北市100學年度國中候用校長甄選,預計甄選國中候用校長15名。甄選採兩階段辦理,第1階段以學經歷和筆試為主;錄取30人參加第二階段的口試測驗。筆試及口試日期分別是11月26號和12月3號,預計12月4號公告甄選錄取名單。簡章請上臺北市教育局網站查詢。

The selection for Taipei City junior high school principal in reserve in academic year 100the is expected to select fifteen backup principals. The selection will be held by two phases. In the first phase, paper check of educational background and working experience and written test will be required. And the thirty test takers selected from the 1st phase should take part in the oral test in the 2nd phase. The written and oral tests will be held on November 26th and December 3rd. The result will be revealed on December 4th. For the detail, please check the website of Department of Education, Taipei City Government.


To let people know more about the excellent talents of sports and the amazing moments they made, 彰化 County Government will begin holding a special exhibition for National Athletic Games in 2011 from now on till October 27th. Including some valuable records of development for physical education in Taiwan, sports events relating to national games and excellent athletics will be also displayed in the exhibition for people to experience the splendid events in the sports history of Taiwan.

5. 教育電臺今年舉辦「建國一百、閱讀一百」活動,獲得各校熱烈迴響,由新北市板橋國小老師李聰任帶領的班級,上學期捐出700多冊圖書給5個參與閱讀一百活動的偏遠學校班級,昨天(12)四年三班再捐出將近1200本圖書,給另外6個學校班級,同時捐出班上的愛心基金,讓其中4個班級可以訂閱國語日報。

National Education Radio holds an activity for reading promotion which gains people’s enthusiastic responses. The class led by the teacher of 板橋 Elementary School, New Taipei City donates about seven hundred books to the five classes from schools of remote districts which participates in the promotion. The class had donated about one thousand and two hundred books yesterday to the other classes with chartable funds which make the four classes be able to subscribe for Chinese Daily.

6. 配合總統馬英九的文化政策,政府在海外設立臺灣書院,整合中華文化和華語文教學,並提供研究獎學金,促進人才流動。另外,臺灣書院除了陸續在紐約、休士頓和洛杉磯等地成立實體據點,還將設立網路虛擬書院,推廣臺灣文化。

To cooperate with president 馬英九’s policy on cultural affairs, the government will establish a Taiwan Academy for integrating Chinese culture and Chinese teaching as well as providing scholarship for academic researches to promote talents-exchange. Additionally, the academy will not only be set in New York, Houston and Los Angeles , on-line virtual academy will be established as well for the promotion of Taiwanese culture.

熱門關鍵字: 免費A片 線上A片 自拍A片 lv2011官方新款目錄, gucci2011新款包目錄,

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