

The registration deadline for the high-school-level self-study scholastic ability test this year will be at 5pm today. The exam will be held on Nov. 6. There are three subjects, including Chinese, English and the humanistic field. The multiple-choice questions, with one correct answer from four answer choices, will be the sole question type asked in the exam. There will be no score deductions while incorrect answers from the test-takers’ part occur. For more details, please check the website of Wufen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational High School, the school in charge of the related exam affairs.

2. 第一批陸生來臺念學位,為方便陸生學習,教育部首度編製《標準字與簡化字對照手冊》,共收錄1476個標準字,開學後發送到各大學轉發給陸生,同時也上網公告,方便民眾查詢。

The first group of Chinese students has begun their degree programs in Taiwan. In order to help them to learn, the Ministry of Education compiles an unprecedented dictionary with traditional (or complicated) Chinese characters corresponding to simplified Chinese characters. In total, there are 1,476 traditional Chinese characters listed in the dictionary and it was distributed to the Chinese students in every university after the school began. Meanwhile, it will also be announced on the website so that the general public can access it.

3. 一項調查發現,有4成4以上的患者,竟然不知道自己罹患慢性阻塞性肺病,甚至有5成以上患有心血管疾病或糖尿病的患者,同時罹患慢性阻塞性肺病。醫師表示,慢性阻塞性肺病會使身體加速老化,但只要戒除菸癮,定期接受肺功能檢查,就可以獲得比較好的治療效果。

One investigation finds that over 44% of the patients do not know they suffer from obstructive chronic lung diseases. Further, more than 50% of the patients who have cardiovascular diseases or diabetes also have obstructive chronic lung diseases. According to the doctors, obstructive chronic lung diseases will accelerate aging. However, once such patients stop smoking and regularly perform lung examinations, better treatment effects can be obtained.


According to the statistics released by the Taipei City Government’s Department of Health, from Sep.20 to Oct.7, 164 non-smoking locations were found to be without non-smoking signs. They are hence subjected to the penalty for 10,000~50,000 NTD in accordance with the law. The Department of Health expresses the non-smoking signs should be placed at the entrance of smoke-free areas to prevent consumers being punished due to smoking at such areas. The Department of Health also suggests the business owners to integrate the non-smoking sings into the style of the shops; they can design their unique non-smoking signs by using anti-water materials to avoid damp and deterioration.

5. 科學家從英國倫敦1 座公墓的中世紀人類遺骸上,取得黑死病病菌,並在研究中揭露病菌為何造成許多人死亡,還引發之後好幾波疫情。黑死病 14世紀在歐洲奪走5000萬條人命,是歷史上疫情最嚴重的傳染病之一。科學家從倫敦的黑死病死者遺骸中取出 DNA,這是科學家首次能夠擬出古代病原體基因圖譜。從演化的角度來看,鼠疫桿菌(Yersinia pestis)的DNA顯示,14世紀的歐洲人對黑死病病菌沒有免疫力。

Scientists have extracted the germ which caused the Black Plague from the medieval people’s remains in a cemetery in London and in their research, they endeavor to reveal why the Black Plague triggered countless casualties as well as how several numbers of epidemics occurred afterwards. In the 14th century, the Black Plague claimed 50 million lives in Europe alone. Scientists extracted DNA from the remains left in London, which marks the first time in the human history that the scientists are able to draft the gene mapping of ancient pathogen. From the evolution’s point of view, the DNA of Yersinia pestis shows in the 14th century, the Europeans had no such mechanism in their immunity system to fight against the Black Plague’s bacteria.

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